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The Machine

20 - 26 November 2023
Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath, Bengaluru

Objects and Forms of heritage value has always been my subject of work  since my exposition to Heritage Artifacts, Structures and Objects. I have always been fascinated by anything affiliated to Heritage and Antiquity. Similarly one such subject is that of Sewing Machine. Having abundantly been used in the textile industry, the Sewing Machine which was once a part of most of the Indian households, has now become an antique piece.  The traditional pedal sewing machines have been re-placed by motorised systems which are often found these days.  However, despite the loss in its purpose and value, I am intrigued by the form of the machine. Over a period of time, the form of the sewing machine has developed and achieved a much more refined, simpler and abstract shape. After several observations and study, I have started to perceive the shape and form of the sewing machine as an abstract form rather than just a technical or mechanical device. Presenting here are a series of paintings that studies the abstractness and aesthetics of the Sewing Machine. 

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